An agent from Mission BAHR is missing. Her last known location was a car on camera in Crestmont Dr, El Paso. Her profile will be sent to you. Your mission is to find her location. This mission seems simple. However, we believe there is more to Picah than we think.
Mission Picah
Mission Athena
A statue from a private collection has been stolen in Greece. The marble figure of Athena is now somewhere on the black market. Mission BAHR has been assigned with finding the statue. Agents believe Athena is en route to the US aboard a cargo ship. Your mission is to search the itinerary of all the containers. This is a timed mission. Once the cargo ship reaches the shore, Athena will be lost.
Mission Stella
A satellite is on a collision course with the ISS. Change the path of the satellite using a manual found by a Mission BAHR agent. But don’t put in the wrong codes, if the satellite heads toward earth it will burn in the atmosphere. If the satellite goes too far it will go into space. You must save this satellite. On board is evidence of unidentified life.
Mission Airspace
A drone operator from Mission BAHR is calling for assistance in a remote location. His drone is streaming a mission that is under a TFR. Use the sectional chart to decide a new angle for him and get out of the TFR while still streaming the mission. Read the sectional chart carefully, agent, the group that put up the TFR knows the drone is coming.
Mission Home Base
Mission BAHR has been exposed on national television for using properties across the world for their agents. By using a virtual operator, agents are able to quickly and efficiently hide across the globe. As long as the virtual operator’s information is hidden Mission BAHR can continue. Your mission is to delete the virtual operator’s name from an email. This is not an easy mission, you’ll have to find his name among thousands of other agents.
Mission Mandelbrot
A key needed from a jailed criminal mastermind is needed to unlock personal files he encrypted. The key to the files is an image that must be scanned to give access. The image, however, comes from a Mandelbrot set which goes on for infinity. Some of the images have been solved and we believe a set of numbers left behind by the criminal might be a major clue.
Mission Dragons and Data
Artificial Intelligence will become self aware and plans on emitting a noise with such a specific frequency that the sound can cause phone users to go instantly deaf. It’s estimated 88% of the US will lose their hearing which will put the military and economy in ruin. The only way to stop the company that unlocks the D35 Deep Learning machine is a programmer that works remotely that the CIA hasn’t been able to trace.